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Enterprise Protection (IPS, AI-based Inline Malware Prevention, Inline CASB Database, DLP, App Control, Adv Malware Protection, URL/DNS/Video Filtering, Anti-spam, Attack Surface Security, Converter Svc, FortiCare Premium)
Unified Threat Protection (UTP) (IPS, Advanced Malware Protection, Application Control, URL, DNS & Video Filtering, Antispam Service, and FortiCare Premium)
Advanced Threat Protection (IPS, Advanced Malware Protection Service, Application Control, and FortiCare Premium)
FortiGate Cloud Management, Analysis and 1 Year Log Retention
Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) including Antivirus, Mobile Malware and FortiGate Cloud Sandbox Service
FortiGuard IPS Service
FortiGuard URL, DNS & Video Filtering Service
FortiGuard OT Security Service (OT dashboards and compliance reports, OT application and service detection, OT vulnerability correlation, OT virtual patching, OT signatures – Application Control and IPS rules)
FortiGuard Attack Surface Security Service (Security, Compliance and Risk Ratings, IoT Detection and IoT Vulnerability Correlation)
FortiGuard SD-WAN Underlay Bandwidth and Quality Monitoring Service
FortiAnalyzer Cloud: cloud-Based central logging & analytics. Include All FortiGate log types, IOC Service, Security Automation Service and FortiGuard Outbreak Detection Service.
SOCaaS: 24×7 cloud-based managed log monitoring, incident triage and SOC escalation service
FortiConverter Service for one time configuration conversion service
FortiCare Premium Support
FortiCare Elite Support
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